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The Making of a Frog Pond
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The Making of a Frog Pond

11-5 triplett video art

11-5 triplett video art

There are many kinds of swimming pools and spas out there, and maybe even more specialized types of fountains. So it shouldn’t come as surprise that there’s also plenty of variety when it comes to ponds. From huge agricultural retention basins to the smallest birdbaths and everything in between, the broad spectrum of pond possibilities is similarly awash in unique twists, variations and features.

In this new series of six videos on pond installation, we’ll focus on just one of the more specialized types of backyard watershapes – that is, a pond intended for occupancy by frogs – and give you a tool you can use to educate clients and professionals on staff about what’s involved in making the water a safe haven for amphibians.

I know, I know. You’re thinking that this will repeat a lot of information I’ve offered before, and that’s true, but only to an extent. Yes, both fish ponds and frog ponds use underlayment, a liner, rocks, plants, water and a common set of installation skills, but the similarities pretty much stop there: Where a fish pond is cool and can be deep, for example, a frog pond must be relatively warm and can be quite shallow. Where fish ponds have mechanical filters and skimmers and robust circulation systems and often include waterfalls and streams, frog ponds are still, with plants taking over all of the water-clearing duties.

In fact, the fish ponds I’ve highlighted in previous videos are so distinct from frog ponds with respect to basic approach that, at times, it hardly seems they’re related. Take a look at the video linked here, and you’ll learn more about what I mean – particularly when it comes to the joys of shallow excavation!

Eric Triplett is founder and chief executive officer at The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction in Yucaipa, Calif. He may be reached at eric@the

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