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The Aquatic Quiz #3
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The Aquatic Quiz #3

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Test Your Knowledge logoWith the 2014 Hurricane Season About to
Begin, What’s a Pool Homeowner to Do?!

Note: Some Web sites may open behind this page.

The three questions in this issue’s quiz barely scratch the surface of the advice given in the articles cited. Especially if you live in a hurricane-prone region, we recommend that you read the complete articles, which are linked below.

The correct answers are:

1. c. Super-chlorinate the pool before the storm hits. To learn more, here.

2. d. All of the above. To learn more, click here.

3. b. False. The Web site does offer this basic advice — but emphasizes that the items should be gently placed (not thrown) into the pool in order to protect the pool’s interior finish. To learn more, click here.

How did you do? Be sure to keep up on the latest water-related news, because another installment of The Aquatic Quiz will be coming in the next WaterShapes EXTRA!

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