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Test Your Knowledge #10

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How much do you know about water polo?
Test Your Knowledge logoWater polo — which became an Olympic event at the 1900 Summer Games in Paris — is a team water sport that can be quite aggressive and is very physically demanding. In that regard, water polo has been compared to ice hockey.

Can you answer the following questions?

1. During game play, how many players from each team are allowed
in the playing area of the pool?

2. How long can a team possess the ball without shooting for the goal
(unless an opponent commits an‘ejection foul’)?

3. What does the term “egg beater” refer to in water polo?

Source: Wikipedia

To see the correct answers, look below.

The following answers come from Wikipedia:

1. Seven players (six field players and one goalkeeper) from each team are
allowed in the playingarea of the pool.

2. A team can possess the ball without shooting for the goal (unless an
opponent commitsan ‘ejection foul’)for no more than 30 seconds.

3. The term “egg beater” refers to the most common form of water treading during
a water pologame. Thename came from the fact that the circular movement of
the legs resembles the motionof an egg-beater.The advantage of egg-beater is
that it allows the player to maintain a constantposition to the waterlevel, and
uses less energy than other forms of treading water (such asthe scissor kick).

Video: To watch part of the UCLA vs. USC Mens 2009 NCAA Championship
Water Polo Game, click here.

Learn More: For additional information about water polo, click here.

Note: One or both of the Web sites linked abovemay open behind this screen.

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