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Test Your Knowledge #36
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Test Your Knowledge #36

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Test Your Knowledge logo‘World’s Largest Swimming Lesson’
Included How Many U.S. States?

Many water-related stories have been in the news of late — including reports connected to the three questions below.

1. A massive event billed as “The World’s Largest Swimming Lesson” took place on June 14 at 11 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time in ____ U.S. states, plus a number of foreign countries. Fill in the blank.

a. 47 b. 48 c. 49 d. 50

2. “For the first time ever,” reports, “the U.S. Synchronized Swimming team won’t be at this summer’s Olympics in London. It didn’t qualify to compete.” But two of the team’s members will be competing in the synchronized-swimming duets event. Last August, the two successfully competed in that event at the Pan American Games. What medal did they bring home?

a. Platinum b. Gold c. Silver d. Bronze

3. What washed ashore at a popular New Jersey beach, prompting authorities to close it to swimmers?

a. Severed human limbs b. Dead birds and fish c. Medical waste d. Hand grenades

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The correct answers are:

1. d. 50. To learn more, click here.

2. c. Silver. To learn more, click here.

3. c. Medical waste. To learn more, click here.

How did you do? Be sure to keep up on the latest water-related news, because another installment of “Test Your Knowledge” will be coming in the next WaterShapes EXTRA!

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