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Test Your Knowledge #35
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Test Your Knowledge #35

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Test Your Knowledge logoHow Much Do Americans Spend
on Swimsuits Each Year?

Many water-related stories have been in the news of late — including reports connected to the three questions below.

1. According to, how much money do Americans spend on swimsuits annually?

a. $575 million b. $850 million c. $1 billion d. $1.4 billion

2. The latest book by broadcast journalist and author Lynn Sherr — Swim: Why We Love the Water — was published this past April. The book, observes, is “a celebration of swimming and the effect it has on our lives.” Sherr has been best known as a correspondent on what national television program?

a. 20/20 b. 60 Minutes c. Frontline d. Nova

3. Blogging on, Marc Yaggi, executive director of the Waterkeeper Alliance, writes, “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently estimated that up to _____ people [in America] will become sick after swimming at their favorite beach or swimming hole this year. Despite nearly 40 years of Clean Water Act successes, polluted runoff, sewer overflows, and other human activities are threatening one of our favorite summer pastimes…” Fill in the blank.

a. 925,000 b. 1.75 million c. 3.5 million d. 5.5 million.

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The correct answers are:

1. d. $1.4 billion. To learn more, click here.

2. a. 20/20. To learn more, click here.

3. c. 3.5 million. To learn more, click here.

How did you do? Be sure to keep up on the latest water-related news, because another installment of “Test Your Knowledge” will be coming in the next WaterShapes EXTRA!

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