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Test Your Knowledge #32
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Test Your Knowledge #32

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Test Your Knowledge logoIn How Many Olympics Has Veteran
U.S. Swimmer Dara Torres Competed?

Many water-related stories have been in the news of late — including reports connected to the three questions below.

1. Veteran U.S. Olympic swimming champion Dara Torres, now 45 years old, is training to win a spot on Team USA in order to compete at the London Olympics. In how many Olympics has Torres — who brought home four gold, four silver and four bronze medals — already competed?

a. Three b. Four c. Five d. Six

2. Former U.S. Olympic swimming champion Matt Biondi — who garnered 11 Olympic medals (eight of them gold) during his career — was just hired to be a teacher at the private Sierra Canyon School in Chatsworth, Calif. (The 46-year-old Biondi has a master’s degree in teaching.) In addition to coaching the school’s swim team, what academic subject will Biondi teach?

a. Mathematics b. History c. English d. Geography

3. A new study by the U.S. Geological Survey has shown that polar bears are capable of swimming huge distances — a skill that may be essential to their survival in this age of disappearing summer ice in their habitat. What was the longest swimming distance recorded by the study?

a. 45 miles b. 93 miles c. 158 miles d. 220 miles

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The correct answers are:

1. c. Five. To learn more, click here.

2. a. Mathematics. To learn more, click here. Video: To watch an interview with Biondi from four years ago, right before the Beijing Olympics, click here.

3. d. 220 miles. To learn more, click here.

How did you do? Be sure to keep up on the latest water-related news, because another installment of “Test Your Knowledge” will be coming in the next WaterShapes EXTRA!

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