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Test Your Knowledge #16
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Test Your Knowledge #16

Why did Hisashi Koze swim the South China Sea? Many water-related stories have been in the news in the past several weeks — including reports connected to the four questions below.

1.Hisashi Koze, a 39-year-old Japanese man, was forced to swim 30 kilometers (more than 18 miles) across the South China Sea to return to dry land. Why?

a.The small airplane he was piloting lost engine power, and he had to ditch in the ocean.
b.He was working on a freighter and fell overboard.
c.He was left out in the middle of the ocean because of a diving mishap.
d.His sailboat sprung a leak and sank.

2.With thousands and thousands of foreclosed homes — many of them with swimming pools — sitting vacant in Florida, what public nuisance has arisen due to the lack of pool maintenance?

3.A 52-year-old man nearly lost what part(s) of his body after swimming in improperly chlorinated pool water for five months?

a.His hair
b.His teeth
c.His eardrums
d.His fingernails and toenails.

4.Why did surfers in the Virginia Beach, Virginia, area have reason to celebrate toward the beginning of this month?

To find out how many you got right, see below.

Here are the answers:

1.c. He was left out in the middle of the ocean because of a diving mishap.

Learn more:To read about the unusual circumstances that led to Hisashi Koze’s being stranded in the South China Sea, and about his inspiring story of courage and survival, click here.

2.Increased mosquito infestations due to standing, untreated water.

Learn more:Find out how local government agencies in Florida are trying to deal with the problem. Click here.

3.b. His teeth

Learn more:This case turned into quite an interesting medical detective story, Click here for more details.

4.Although Hurricane Katia was only a Category 1 storm out in the Atlantic and did not make landfall in the U.S., it did stir up some impressive waves in the Virginia Beach area.

How did you do? Keep reading, watching and listening to the news, because another edition of “Test Your Knowledge” will be coming in the next WaterShapes EXTRA!

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