Aqua Creek Products (Wye, MT) has launched the Mighty 400 and Mighty 600 ADA-compliant pool…
Blue Thumb (Saginaw, MI) assembles the Elite X-Large 40″ Cascading Falls Kit for pond-less waterfalls.…
Air-O-Lator (Grandview, MO) has added the Nu-Wave decorative floating fountain system to its product line.…
S.R. Smith (Canby, OR) now offers the Velocity Advantage Starting Platform for use with competition…
'Here in America, our idea of history goes back only so far,' wrote Stephanie Rose to open her May 2004 Natural Companions column. 'We don't have the "ancient" structures that still set the tone and architectural vocabulary the way they do in Europe, Asia and other places. 'For those who prefer modern or contemporary styles, this lack of history may
Each custom design project is, of course, different from any other. The client may be a known quantity, but the site and the budget won't be and, as professionals, we always end up responding to unique sets of variables with eyes wide open. In the first part of this series, we looked at the disembodied details and components that made up one of these unique design packages. Starting with this part and continuing into the next, we'll examine at what was involved in assembling that particular set of features and, in this article, look specifically at how my collaboration with the client proceeded from initial contact to acceptance of a preliminary design. Obviously, what I'll describe here is
Among the most rewarding of all the projects I tackle are those in which a pond, stream or waterfall is meant to be a teaching tool. The lessons don't have to be difficult to grasp or challenging to deliver: They simply add a layer of meaning, depth and value to the work that sharpens my interest and lifts my spirits. The stream system at Reed Street Yards in Milwaukee, Wisc., was a source of just this form of personal satisfaction: The city has been positioning itself as a global leader in all things related to freshwater systems, and my participation here had to do with an incubator/think tank complex aimed at expanding on the efforts of the
Ever since March 20, I've been intending to complete the commentary I started on a book about the history of swimming, but other, more time-sensitive topics have gotten in the way. Now, at last, I'm back on track. As you may recall, Strokes of Genius was written by