Coverstar (Lindon, UT) offers AutoDrain, an optional, built-in cover pump that rides on the top…
Solar Pool Technologies (Scottsdale, AZ) offers Solar-Breeze NX, a floating pool cleaner that removes dirt,…
Back in June 2012, the publisher of WaterShapes was kind enough to write a blog about our work with Project Scion, a program Zaretsky and Associates (Rochester, N.Y.) was helping to develop as a means of bringing green spaces to rough urban neighborhoods. At that stage, it was still a dream: We had just launched into our first round of funding through kickstarter.com and had no clear sense of how
The way I see it, the substantial amount of time and energy involved in a good, annual pond cleaning is definitely well spent. For one thing, it gives us at The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction a chance to address any issues the homeowner may have noticed with the way the pond operates - everything from practical concerns about splashing in certain areas, for example, through to aesthetic
Devising an approach to the application of fields of glass tile to complex surfaces is never simple, but when your goal is to do so while minimizing cuts and eliminating any visual "tics" that might stand out like sore thumbs when the work is done? That's taking the work to a whole different level. The project under discussion here, built in Gilbert, Ariz., offered this sort of challenge twice - once in a large entryway waterfeature, and again in the backyard with an outsized
I'm still stunned by news of the intended merger between the National Swimming Pool Foundation and the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals. I've been a professional observer of the pool/spa component of the watershaping universe for more than 30 years now, and I was caught completely off guard by
CL Industries (Orlando, FL) offers CrystalStones, a durable, natural pebble finish designed for use in…
Crystal Fountains (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) manufactures the Model WMT122 Fyrefly Jet to bring multiple streams…
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