We don't get involved in renovations all that often, but in this case it would've been tough to say no. Not long before, we'd designed a new pool for right next door - a thoroughly modern watershape that looked great and was perfectly suited to the property and the architecture of the home. As work continued on site, it was apparent that one of the neighbors was more than a little
I celebrated another birthday on September 9, and one of the coolest gifts I received was the word that a major renovation of WaterShapes.com was ready for final review - and would, crossing that hurdle, be ready for public launch alongside release of the September 20 edition of the WaterShapes newsletter - this very day! It's our first major update in several years and the first
‘For all the talk about the spectrum of watershaping – the existence of those who, on one extreme, pursue high-quality, truly custom projects and those on the other who live in a low-end, cookie-cutter realm – I must say that I’ve yet to run into anyone from the fringes of latter camp who’s stepped forward to
Relatively speaking, building a Koi pond is often the easy part. The tough part? Working with clients to select the fish who will call the new watershape "home." I have to say that I've been bitten hard by the Koi bug and have spent countless hours learning as much as I can about these beautiful fish. It's a level of involvement that
When you step up to tackle what might possibly be the most challenging job your company has ever pursued, there's definitely a gut check involved. Do you have the required staff? Can you call on top-flight subcontractors? Do you have the stamina to get involved and stay involved for the duration of a seriously long, seriously complex project? As we found in building the seven watershapes
Before I walk away from my little series of blogs on big transitions, I want to call attention to renovations, which I consider to be both a generational phenomenon as well as the greatest potential source of projects and market growth through the next
After years of serving as an expert witness in construction-defect cases, Paolo Benedetti knows what can happen when contractors fail to deliver the expected results. Here, he covers a set of practices aimed at keeping builders on the right path -- and out of the courtroom.
Fountain Supply Co. (Santa Clarita, CA) makes an electronic water-level controller for fountains and other…