
Perimeter Pool Recirculation System from Natare
Natare (Indianapolis, IN) offers a perimeter gutter/recirculation system for commercial swimming pools. The pre-engineered, self-contained…
La Siesta Offers Columbian-Made Hammocks
La Siesta (Jugenheim, Germany) imports and exports Orquídea Lagoon, a single-person hammock with the fresh…
Hydrorider Introduces Aqua Treadmills
Hydrorider (Biscayne Park, FL) manufactures the Professional Aqua Treadmill for use in serious exercise or…
2017/12.1, December 6 — Distant Design, Toxin-Free Pools, Fountain Evolution and more
A Faraway Hill
  Through the years, we've worked on lots of projects in remote locations all around the world, from Sri Lanka to Bermuda. In a few instances, we've worked without any site visits - but our strong preference is to see where we're working: It helps move our process along if we get the lay of the land and have the opportunity to meet with clients or architects or property representatives on site. The reasons for this preference are obvious: We draw ideas from what we see, nail down a sense of scale and proportion and head to the drawing board armed with
Making Spaces
  It's easy to back up an assertion that a good fountain is the key to making a public space work. A monumental statue is great, for instance, but when you add water even in the quiescent form of a reflecting pool, the visitor's experience of the installation is enhanced in many ways. And while big, open plazas may serve as ready-made gathering places, if you add even a small fountain, the overall space will be defined by its presence and visitors will inevitably be drawn to it as a focal point. Public fountains take many forms, but whatever the specifics, their
Nature’s Blueprint
  For years, John Cohen has dedicated himself to meeting the needs of clients averse to using traditional sanitizers.  As he reports in the first in a series of articles, his quest began with a narrow-minded 'expert' and has since pulled him toward a biologically inspired set of solutions.  
Thank Goodness
  I wouldn't have thought that a bit of Thanksgiving travel could teach me so much about the regional differences among watershapes, but what now seems obvious came as something of a jolt to me. My youngest daughter has a new job in Philadelphia and couldn't get away. Someone suggested we should
Finding the Look
‘Not long ago, I was asked by a reporter from The New York Times to define the main difference between swimming pools now compared to what they were 20 years ago. As we talked,’ wrote David Tisherman in his Details column for the December 2007 edition of WaterShapes, ‘it became clear that she was mostly thinking about technological breakthroughs in pumps and chemical treatments and the like. ‘I confirmed for her that, yes, those products had come a long way. But I wouldn’t let her stop there, suggesting that there was much more than
Genesis University Releases Course Catalog
Genesis University (Murfreesboro, TN) has published its 2017-18 catalog of more than 150 courses available…