
Pop Goes the Pool
There are few things in the world of watershaping as dramatic or devastating as a popped pool.  On their way up out of the ground, they'll shatter decks and coping, break pipes and conduits and, often, leave cracked shells behind and generally make a terrible mess.  They also lead to one big first question from the owner:  "So can you make it go back down?"  I'm pleased to report that none of the pools I've built has ever risen above its assigned grade, but I live and work in the south, often in areas where
Mystical Moments
For me, one of the highlights of the 20th Anniversary Celebration for Genesis was the place most of us stayed:  The Allegretto Vineyard Resort is a spectacular facility created as an extension of the imagination of the property's owner, Douglas Ayres. The hotel embodies an eclectic blend of design concepts, from dashes of feng shui to dollops of talk-to-the-land spiritualism mixed in with
Renovation Time
By Jim McCloskey The weather has taken a turn toward heat in the time since I wrote my last blog:  It's been in the 90s several times recently, and it reminds me of an even hotter stretch early in May 1989, when we moved into our current house and settled in as a family with our first swimming pool. When we arrived with our
Nature’s Ways
When a pond's fish shift to spawning mode, all sorts of things start happening in a hurry -- in turn whipping new pond owners into a frenzy right alongside their fish.  At these times, Mike Gannon counsels restraint and helps novices recognize and follow what's happening.    
Defining Delicate Tasks
The first of this pair of articles mentioned that Julia Morgan had completed the architecture program at Beaux-Arts in Paris in three years rather than the usual five, but I didn't mention all of the circumstances. One of the rules of that institution prohibited the instruction of students after their thirtieth birthdays, which seems a totally bizarre limitation to us now but apparently made sense to French academicians at the turn of the 20th Century.  Given the delays in her gaining a position at the school, she'd entered the program with the clock ticking and really had no choice but to
#30: Tiled Finger Ledge
Safety is never far from my mind as I design for my clients, but as important as it is, it's seldom the only thing on my mind as a project comes together. In fact, balancing the need for features we must include for safety's sake with our everyday passion about never compromising on aesthetics is something I consider with every detail.  Whether it's the extent to which
Lake Effects
When we get involved in backyard projects, it's rare these days that we don't have a fairly high level of creative control:  We're the ones who figure out where to place the pool, what shape it should have, how it should be finished and what should surround it with respect to the hardscape and landscaping and even the furnishings.  That's why it's a bit funny that this is the second in a pair of projects we've recently published through WaterShapes in which many of the fundamental shots were called by others - in this case by a talented home-construction firm that brought us in after the footprint for the pool and spa had been
Water Wonders
I've seen two articles recently that I must share - one inspiring, the other amazing. First the inspiration:   It's tough for aquatic facilities to be recognized at all when it comes to the rigorous requirements of the
2018/5.1, May 2 — Deep-Blue Views, Well-Dressed Ledges, Hearst Pool Revival and more
We Can Do Better
‘During a presentation to a recent conference for the swimming pool and spa industry, I tossed this nugget to the audience:  “By a show of hands, how many of you in this room believe that most people think highly of our industry?  Please be honest.” ’ That’s how Brian Van Bower began his Aqua Culture column in the May 2003 edition of WaterShapes.  He continued:  ‘It was a mixed group of more than 160 people representing