
Water Warnings
The summer swim season has arrived, which means I've spent the last week or two coping with the annual flood of stories about how awful and threatening water can be. No matter whether a given story focuses on pools, spas or some other body of water, these items warn people who like to dunk themselves to play, cool off, relax or
Maximizing Exposures
‘I take a lot of pictures of my work – so many, in fact, that friends and colleagues often tease me about it.’  That’s how David Tisherman opened his Details column of June 2003, broaching a subject near and dear to his heart. ‘[W]hat may seem like an obsession to others seems like good, commonsense business practice to me.  In fact,’ he continued, ‘I believe that every single designer and builder involved in the creation of quality watershapes should record his or her work photographically – and should make a point of doing so in a way that
QCP Offers Contemporary Fire Feature
QCP (Norco, CA) manufactures Slab, a precast-concrete fire feature available in a variety of colors…
Bradford Products Offers Custom Spa Designs
Bradford Products (Leland, NC) fabricates custom spas in stainless steel. Available in any shape or…
Salt Chlorine Generator from ContolOMatic
ControlOMatic (Grass Valley, CA) offers MegaChlor, a salt chlorine generator for pools and spas with…
Chemtrol Launches ORP/pH Controller
Chemtrol (Santa Barbara, CA) has introduced the PC2100 Controller for automatic management of ORP and…
Trench Grates from Iron Age Designs
Iron Age Designs (Burien, WA) offers ornamental cast-metal trench grates made with recycled iron or…
Water Wall Spillway from Atlantic Water Gardens
Atlantic Water Gardens (Mantua, OH) offers a vertically oriented spillway to ease the installation of…
2018/5.2, May 16 — Double-Shell Pop, Pond Pandemonium, Flowing Symbolism and more
Considering Small Spaces
‘Whenever I receive a call for an initial meeting about a potential project,’ began Stephanie Rose in her Natural Companions column of May 2003, ‘I always envision – before the client ever opens his or her mouth – that I will be adorning a multi-acre estate with a classic garden that will someday be written about in books and examined by