My work as a landscape architect is usually recognized for two distinguishing characteristics - first for the inspiration I draw from my friend and mentor, the late, great Brazilian environmental artist Roberto Burle Marx, and then for my driving ambition to preserve and restore habitats, as expressed in projects throughout South Florida and across the Florida Keys and various islands in the Caribbean and the West Indies. This is why seeing the project discussed here comes as something of a surprise to many who are familiar with my work: It's located in Big Timber, Mont., a blip on the road between
I haven't quite started packing my bags for the International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo, which begins soon in Las Vegas, Nev. Truth is, I'll actually need to unpack them first, because right now I'm in Kennett Square, Pa., awaiting the start later today of
Stone Forest (Santa Fe, NM) makes hand-carved stone tsukubai basins from beige granite with a…
Zodiac Pool Systems (Vista, CA) now offers nicheless LED lights featuring HydroCool technology through its…
WhiteWater West (Richmond, British Columbia, Canada) offers Life Floor, a flooring system designed to minimize…
Paloform (Brampton, Ontario, Canada) manufactures Bol fire pits made from Cor-Ten steel as a dramatic…
Great American Waterfall Co. (Hudson, FL) manufactures Aqua Storm, a system for wet walls or…
At this point 20 years ago, WaterShapes was running at full throttle as we prepared to publish our first-ever printed edition in February 1999. In that era, this meant we had to have the final version of our premiere issue in the printer's hands very early in January. From the hatching of the initial concept in
'Growing as a designer,' wrote Brian Van Bower to start his Aqua Culture column in October 2008, 'is often a matter of seeing things from fresh perspectives. 'As one with roots in the pool industry, for example, I once thought first about water and about plants and softscape later (if at all). That bias isn't uncommon, of course: I know plenty of landscape architects and designers who think about plants first and only later