WaterShapes World

Keeping It Clean: 21st Century Water Management
By Eric Herman It’s a given: As human beings, we are all utterly dependent on the availability of fresh, clear, potable water for our survival. As a result, the preservation of aquatic resources of all types is an interest in which all people should share. At the same time,
2011/5.2, May 25 — Using Color Theory, Outdoor Living, Donald Trump’s Hair and more
May 25, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM FEATURE ARTICLE Beyond Basic Blue:  Using Color Theory Water is blue…and…
Are You Embracing the Total Outdoor Experience?
Now that it is generally accepted by experts, economists and pundits that the recession has come to an end, there’s a great deal of curiosity about what the recovery will look like and, more specifically in these parts, about how
2011/5.1, May 11 — Garden Steps and Landings, Waterfalls, Spa Aesthetics and more
May 11, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM LESSONS LEARNED Making Steps and Landings Safe Steps and landings are…
The Ugly Truth About Spas
By Jim McCloskey As someone who sat in a spa for the first time in 1970 and has relaxed in a great many of them through the years, I have to confess that I’m not a fan of most I see physically attached to swimming pools. Yes, I love the way they feel when
2011/4.2, April 27 — WaterShapes World, Pond Filtration, NSPF’s Tom Lachocki and more
April 27, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM WATERSHAPES WORLD Welcome to Our New Blog! We’re pleased to present…
Welcome to Our New Blog!
WaterShapes started 12 years ago as the result of a lengthy round of discussions between Eric Herman and me — an exchange of ideas that has