WaterShapes World
As you might imagine given our plans for AquaticSpacesNetwork (see my last blog entry, “Charting a New Course,” for details), I’ve been thinking a lot lately about reaching out to consumers. Along the way, it has occurred to me that good information is almost always universally useful — that is, information that helps build
Almost from the day I decided to suspend publication of the printed version of WaterShapes, I had a vision of what was coming next. Reaching all the way back to my earliest days with Pool & Spa News, I recall impassioned conversations about the pool industry’s perceived need to reach out to consumers. Although studies were done, committees formed and advertising campaigns plotted and executed, there was never any
Early in 2001, we at WaterShapes were looking for a way to break out of the pack and make a distinctive name for our then-new publication. And of course, we wanted to do it in a way that would attract maximum attention for boldness, brashness and sheer chutzpah. It didn’t take long for us to settle on
A comment I’ve been anticipating (and dreading) has recently crossed my desk. It came from a reader who expressed exasperation with our newsletter’s use of celebrity-centered items; she was particularly offended by our link to a generous dose of Marilyn Monroe’s skin in a recent edition of “Ripples.” I’m sorry that any offense was taken, but it’s a plain fact that items like these get people to