'For the best part of 20 years now,' wrote Brian Van Bower in starting his Aqua Culture column from March 2010, ' trend watchers have tracked Baby Boomers and have kept telling us that, as we aged, we'd definitely become homebodies - so much so that the words "nesting," "cocooning" and "staycation" have all taken significant
I've heard it often enough in the past couple years that I'm becoming a believer: It looks as though more and more watershapers are finding seats at the design table and have become respected participants in water-related aspects of significant projects led by
Through the years, I assembled a pair of large computer files containing links to two specific sorts of news items. At the time, I considered them to be never-the-twain-shall-meet categories that I would eventually write about separately. But now I see them as interwoven,
Global Watershaping