
Terms in Currency
You don't have to be a football expert to sit in the stands on a nice fall day and watch the locals bash the visitors.  But to get the most from the festivities, it helps to know the difference between a two-point conversion and an on-side kick.  Being able to converse with your seatmates about the nickel defense and the single-wing offense surging back and forth before your eyes makes it even better.  The jargon isn't just for the players and sportscasters. Electricity is a bit like that.  Most of us are users, and most of us know some of the jargon despite the fact we don't work at a power plant.  We know that we have 12-volt batteries in our cars and that the porch light takes a 60-watt light bulb.  And for many folks, that's enough. I believe, however, that those of us who work with things electric on a larger scale can benefit from
New Words for a New Era
Dear Mr. Webster, I have a pair of new words I'd like you to consider for the next edition of your dictionary.