
2018/4.1, April 4 — The Wright Stuff, Pond Progression, Neptune Pool Rescue and more
The Anxieties of Influence
'I can be quite outspoken,' declared David Tisherman in opening his Details column in the November/December 2001 issue of WaterShapes.  'Here's the unvarnished truth:  No more than a hundred pool builders out there can legitimately call themselves designers, . . . while only a handful design at the very highest level.' 'Almost always, the difference between these top-level designers and
Powers of Observation
'Science tells us that the human eye can see about seven million colors and that our minds instinctively perceive depth and dimension.  This visual capacity,' noted Stephanie Rose at the outset of her Natural Companions column in April 2006, 'enables most of us to move around without bumping into things, some of us to swing at and somehow hit a golf ball and, in the case of a beautiful garden (we can hope), all of us sense
Living in Color
'Few things are as important to the aesthetic impression made by swimming pools, spas and other watershapes as the colors you select to use in and around them,' wrote David Tisherman in opening his Details column in the September 2005 issue of WaterShapes.   'Take tile as an example.  Whether it's just a waterline detail, a complete interior finish or some elaborate mosaic pattern, it serves to draw the eye into a design.  If the color and material selections work, the scene can become
A Window on Our World
With a first glance at last month's cover of LandShapes, a colleague of mine said he thought it more properly belonged on the cover of an architecture magazine instead of on my landscape publication.  It was beautiful, he said, but he felt that the dominance of the wall in the image made him wonder if he'd received the right magazine.   In defending the choice of this photograph, I found myself flooded by all sorts of thoughts and considerations, many of them having to do with