pond maintenance
When a pond's fish shift to spawning mode, all sorts of things start happening in a hurry -- in turn whipping new pond owners into a frenzy right alongside their fish. At these times, Mike Gannon counsels restraint and helps novices recognize and follow what's happening.
Although a little algae in a pond is generally a good and inevitable thing, observes Mike Gannon, a bloom of any noticeable extent is never truly welcome. That's why he has sized up and is ready to recommend a number of ways to help keep the intrusive greenery at bay.
Many of our clients enter into pond ownership with every intention of being actively and intimately involved in upkeep and maintenance. What this often means is that, for the first year or maybe two, they'll net out leaves, clear the skimmer basket and, maybe once a year, will hold their noses (literally or figuratively) and muck out the filter. But what we've found with our clients
Delta UV (Gardena, CA) now offers its ELP Series of low-pressure ultraviolet pond sanitizers in…
Fountain Bleu (Southwick, MA) now offers Dual-Filter Carts for use with its Water-Vac Solids Separation…
If you’re responsible for keeping up a watergarden, you probably know how important including a good balance of aquatic plants and fish is to sustaining a healthy ecosystem. You also likely know that some basic maintenance is important, too – including chores such as
Aquascape (St. Charles, IL) has announced its new Floating Plant Island – a means of…