
Considering Plants & Pools
For many watershapers, plants are a mere afterthought. That’s a mistake, says “garden artisan” Scott Cohen. He takes the opposite approach by embracing planted areas as one of the primary design elements in all of his company’s projects. Doing so, he explains here, reduces liability, increases project control and opens up myriad design possibilities.   ...
Up from the Ruins
My recent article in WaterShapes left readers in some suspense. As reported last time (click here), we were most of the way through the design process and were actually getting ready to start important work on site when the homeowners sprung something new on us. They'd just returned from a trip to Europe, and they'd been so inspired by what they'd seen that they wondered if we could inject a sense of the "Old World" into the project. The goal had previously been about creating a naturalistic setting in which wilderness seemed intent on reclaiming the space. Their fresh desire was to make explicit the notion that a
Seeing a Bigger Picture
Even these days, when new houses tend to be overly large and their lots tend to be quite small, it’s rare to encounter a situation in which there’s nothing in a backyard other than a basic patio. Indeed, there’s almost always something more to do in designing a backyard — and on many happy occasions, there’s actually a good deal to be done in integrating spaces beyond the patio into