
Creative Genus
'In looking back over several recent projects,' observed Stephanie Rose at the start of her Natural Companions column in September 2006, 'I noticed that I've been using one particular genus of plants more frequently than just about any other.'  'Its name probably evokes thoughts of petri dishes and bacterial colonies for most of us, but this plant 
Creative Genus
In looking back over several recent projects, I noticed that I've been using one particular genus of plants more frequently than just about any other.   Its name probably evokes thoughts of petri dishes and bacterial colonies for most of us, but this plant genus - Pittosporum - has truly held an extremely valuable position in most of my plant palettes in recent years and is one of the most useful of all plant types I use. I find myself pointing them out every time I take clients to a nursery to view and select plants, and it seems I'm always trying to find ways to fit one or more of its many varieties into my planting plans.  I treasure them for their great variety in