
Detail A802: Vanishing Edge Perspectives
Movement is one of the foundational principles of design. That doesn't mean necessarily moving through space in the literal sense, but the way design can pull your attention and your eyes to certain elements. Vanishing edges, as Dave Peterson explains, are a compelling source of movement -- drawing our eyes across a reflective surface to another space beyond.
The Perfect Perch
We may have wrapped up the project discussed here more than five years ago, but I still see this backyard almost every time I take clients around to see examples of our work. The way I figure it, there's no better way to start a portfolio tour than by knocking prospects' socks off. There's lots of cool stuff going on here, some of which can readily be seen: the sweeping, Lautner-style perimeter-overflow edge around much of the free-form pool; the glorious water-on-water vanishing edge overlooking a large pond; a nice, full-featured spa; and the floating
2016/12.1, December 7 — Glass-Tile Candor, Pond Details, Water Resuscitation and more
Rocking Good Times
I’m generally a low-key guy, but I love almost everything about building waterfalls.  I like discussing a site’s potential with my clients.  I like going to the supply yard and selecting stone.  And while I don’t mind letting others take the lead with the digging, I do like laying out shelves and setting the pond’s interior contours in ways that will maximize
2012/6.1, June 6 — Hiding Headwaters, Step Lighting, Purposeful Travel and more
June 6, 2012 WATERSHAPES.COM ESSENTIAL The Hidden Source Creating natural-looking cascades and waterfalls requires the…
2012/4.1, April 11 — Coloring Plaster, Hiding Plumbing, Fine Stonework and more
April 11, 2012 WATERSHAPES.COM MY PERSPECTIVE Unconventional Plaster? As he’s shaping his new approach to…
Watershapers Must Grow or Go! (Part 2)
In the first installment of this two-part opinion piece, watershaper and educator Mark Holden offered a scathing critique of what he views as the traditional pool industry. To read Part One in its entirety, click here. In the second installment of his two-part opinion piece, Holden offers
2011/8.1, August 10 — Great Hotel Pools, Industry Gut Check, Designing Courageously and more
August 10, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM PHOTO GALLERY Are These Really the World’s Most Amazing Hotel Pools?…
Watershapers Must Grow or Go!
A few years ago, I made a conscious effort to turn my back on the narrow confines of the swimming pool industry and to focus instead on the profession of watershaping and its significantly broader foundation and expressive potential. It was a transition pushed both by
2011/3.1, March 16 — Water Chemistry, Lava Rocks, Elephants’ Rumps and more
March 16, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM FEATURE ARTICLE Inside Total Dissolved Solids According to pool-industry veteran Kim…