paolo benedetti

Low Bidders: A Cancer on Commerce
Although many people steadfastly defend their efforts at becoming a project's low bidder by saying, "There's just no other way to bring in the business," the sad fact is that this practice is a cancer — one that degrades the product, leaves the clients unhappy and diminishes
All About Soils
Through the past several years, I've witnessed a debate among people in the watershaping industry about whether every construction project should require soils and geology reports as part of every design and engineering process. Most of my colleagues who work in the custom, quality-oriented end of the business will
2010/5.1, May 4 — Classic Water Chain, Soils Testing, Interview and more
May 4, 2010 WATERSHAPES.COM TRAVELOGUE With Your Own Eyes If you want to gain a…
Direct Access
More than ever, the Internet is shaping the way we communicate and run our businesses.  As I’ve mentioned previously, this why we’ve been working for a year now to enhance, backing the magazine up with resources and features designed to give you