Of all the tasks involved in giving a good-size pond a thorough spring cleaning, taking care of the fish is the biggest concern and, frankly, the riskiest part of the operation. It's not simply a matter of chasing them around the pond and cramming them into a net before unceremoniously dumping them in a garbage can: If the job is approached with that cruel and misguided spirit, it's fully possible that the fish and other aquatic wildlife will show their appreciation by
AutoPilot (St. Petersburg, FL) offers the Pool Pilot Total Control System as an accurate, reliable…
ClearWater Tech (San Luis Obispo, CA) offers a digital product catalog covering its full line…
Hayward Pool Products (Elizabeth, NJ) has introduced the Navigator V-Flex, a clog-free, suction-side, Expert Line…
'As fall looms before us,' noted Stephanie Rose in kicking off her Natural Companions column in the September 2000 issue of WaterShapes, 'it's timely to consider a question that should be a factor in every design we prepare: To drop or not to drop?' 'This question is a good one to ask before you start planning and has to do with how much natural debris your clients will be willing to fish out of their watershapes once you're gone. In other words, while it's always important to decide
Savio Engineering (New York, NY) manufactures Livingponds Waterfall Filters. Designed to harness the natural dynamics…
Pleatco (Glen Cove, NY) has introduced PureStart Pre-Filters, a product line engineered to overcome the…