Lenny Giteck

Test Your Knowledge #16
Why did Hisashi Koze swim the South China Sea?
Ripples #27
  Compiled and Written by Lenny Giteck   Partying Prince Harry Jumps (or Falls)  Into Nightclub Pool Fully Clothed   You remember Prince Harry — the other one. The younger brother who developed quite a reputation as a wild party animal, whose judgment was not always up to British royal snuff. One episode that comes to mind: the time he dressed as a 
2011/8.2, August 24 — Fire Features, Improving Performance, Marilyn Monroe and more
August 24, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM LESSONS LEARNED Mastering Outdoor Fire Features ‘Through the past decade or…
Ripples #26
Compiled and Written by Lenny Giteck Screen Legend Marilyn Monroe’s Nude Swimming Outtakes from Her Final Film Had she lived, movie icon and sex goddess
2011/8.1, August 10 — Great Hotel Pools, Industry Gut Check, Designing Courageously and more
August 10, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM PHOTO GALLERY Are These Really the World’s Most Amazing Hotel Pools?…
Ripples #25
Compiled and Written by Lenny Giteck Oprah Winfrey Proves It’s Never Too Late to Learn How to SwimIt seems there is not much Oprah Winfrey can’t do. The many terms that describe her include
2011/7.2, July 27 — Hudson River Pools, Water Level Issues, Yosemite and more
July 27, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM VIDEO GALLERY Floating Swimming Pools on New York’s Hudson River? It’s…
Ripples #24
Compiled and Written by Lenny GiteckMarlon Brando: Inventor of Traction-Optimizing Shoes for Swimming Pools What comes to mind when you think of the legendary actor Marlon Brando? Great films such as
Test Your Knowledge #12
Which is the tallest fountain in the world?
2011/7.1, July 13 — Olympic Aquatic Centre, Healthy Ponds, Ripples and more
July 13, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM PHOTO GALLERY The Controversial Aquatics VenueFor London’s 2012 Olympic Games The…