
A Mighty Chorus
I've been up on my "river pools" hobby horse for a good while now, which is why I can't believe I missed a great story from the online version of Outside magazine when it appeared on May 19, 2016. Written by Erin Beresini and headlined, "Why Urban Swimming Pools Are Raising Millions on Kickstarter:  Inside the revolution to reclaim
Broad Boundaries
'Not long ago,' wrote Brian Van Bower at the start of his Aqua Culture column for the November 2010 edition of WaterShapes, 'I was reminded in a big way of the importance of understanding the international nature of our industry.' 'It was July, and my Genesis 3 partners . . . and I were on the Gold Coast near Brisbane, Australia, presenting a program at the Splash! Conference - an experience that, once again, underscored the fact that