equipment selection

2020/8.1, August 5 — Getting into Fountains, Building for Service, Hydraulic Basics and more
The Builder as Chef
As a designer/builder I openly admit that I am completely obsessed with water quality. A big part of why that's so is because I started out servicing pools. In fact, I really only moved into building them because I was so appalled by how builders in our area completely ignored the treatment side of the equation. It was so bad that I'd say the majority of pools we serviced had some form of shortcoming in the system that impacted water quality - undersized filters, only one skimmer, no chemical treatment technology, etc. - all which made
Specific Efficiency
In recent years, I've had the good fortune to tackle a number of watershaping projects in the islands off the coast of eastern North America. From the West Indies to the Caribbean, I've learned in pursuing these projects that fresh water and electricity can be amazingly expensive commodities. These are, of course, settings in which numerous clients want to take advantage of water-on-water views. Trouble is, the vanishing edges that achieve these effects are questionable choices where the energy required to run them is costly; where winds and evaporation
Modern Mystique
When the call came, it was immediately apparent just how narrowly defined my efforts on the project would be. The basic design for the pool and its spa was already complete, which made perfect sense given how completely they had been integrated into the home's overall footprint. What the architect wanted, I learned, was an expert who could come in, evaluate the plans and basically keep him and his team out of trouble with respect to all of the details and practicalities related to
Spa Strategies
For almost as long as I've been in business, people who are interested in swimming pools have also usually been interested in having a spa or hot tub to go along with it.  It's always been a natural combination, and as watershapers we've found myriad ways to meet thegeneral demand. In the video linked below, I offer a quick discussion of two key factors homeowners need to consider in
Setting Personal Standards
During the past year, I’ve had the pleasure of teaching hydraulics to watershapers in a variety of classroom settings.  It’s been exciting, believe me, particularly because of the eagerness of the students and their hunger for good information. These courses, which have been presented under the auspices of Genesis 3, ask a lot of the students who sign up for them.  Especially given the tight economy, I find it enormously encouraging that so many people are focused on spending the time and energy required to