
Avoiding Common Design Mistakes
Through all the years I’ve spent communicating with other pool designers and builders and in working directly for or consulting with clients, I’ve come across all sorts of design processes and decisions I’d classify as questionable (at best) or just plain wrong, foolish or even actionable (at worst). I’d originally listed them as ten common mistakes pool designers make (and should try to avoid), but a recent incident forced me to expand the list to cover
Sliding into Backyard Waterparks
How do you tear kids away from the Internet or video games on a nice summer day and get them outside to play?  These days, more and more families are answering that question by creating small-scale waterparks in their own backyards. The great thing is, these micro-waterparks don’t have to be as garish or visually aggressive as their full-scale commercial counterparts.  In fact, these spaces can be as easy on the eye as the watershapes at luxury resorts and hotels:  Indeed, those are just the
Up on Rocky Top
When you work on projects in which stone is commonly measured in the thousands of tons and streams are frequently described in fractions of miles, you’re not easily impressed by size.  This job, however, was remarkably vast – a project driven by creative passion and a client’s desire to
2013/1.1, January 9 — Framing Perspectives, Eco-Friendly Landscaping, Rockefeller Plaza and more
                    January 9, 2013      …
2012/9.1, September 5 — Integrated Views, Pond Fixes, Balboa Park and more
SEPTEMBER 5,  2012 ESSENTIAL Integrated Views A spectacular site is often the foundation for…
2012/7.2, July 25 — Whimsical Design, Vanishing Edges, Inspiring Waterfalls and more
July 25, 2012 WATERSHAPES.COM ESSENTIAL Serious Whimsy Developing watershapes and landscapes for residential clients can…
Finishing Touches
The satisfaction that comes with completing beautiful, fully functional ponds is truly special – and when the water is intended for occupation by amazing fish, it gets even better. As was showcased in the first of the two parts of this video, we at Full Service Aquatics (Summit, N.J.) had been called in to convert a derelict swimming pool on the grounds of a major garden center into a pond the management could use to
Reaching for Permanence
The approach I took to this five-part series of articles on dry-stacked stone walls was a bit out of order – and I did it that way for a reason. If you’ll recall, in the last article I set aside any discussion of the drainage issues involved in stacking these walls. I did so both because it
On the Flat and Shallow
I don’t remember exactly when or where I saw my first tanning shelf, but I recall being puzzled and even a bit put off by the concept. I have never been one to loll around my own backyard pool, basically because my fair skin takes a UV beating. (Actually, I’m just tired of having my dermatologist remind me that I’m paying the piper for
2011/8.2, August 24 — Fire Features, Improving Performance, Marilyn Monroe and more
August 24, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM LESSONS LEARNED Mastering Outdoor Fire Features ‘Through the past decade or…