
Client Collaborations
One of the most critical moments in the life of any watershaper occurs when he or she meets prospective clients face to face for the first time.  This is when jobs are won or lost - and, more significant, the point at which watershaper and clients begin what can become a long and fruitful relationship. I'll state right up front that I do not approach my initial customer meetings with the idea of walking out with a signed contract and a check.  Instead, I go in trying to do what I can to help clients realize their dream of becoming owners of a quality watershape.  Whether I end up
Ben Franklin, Electrician
Why does the current flow? That was the question we left on the table at the end of our last session.  We had pretty well nailed down the ampere as being the basic unit of measurement of electric current, in that it describes the quantity of flow of electrons from one place to another.  We were about to examine the volt, the ohm and the watt when the current-flow question arose to command our attention. To get a firm handle on this, we are forced to backtrack a bit.  Actually, we have to go back a long, long way - about 60 million years, to when a particular species of pine-like trees grew along the Baltic coast.  Over the millennia, the resin from those trees became fossilized, producing the beautiful, beer-colored material called anbar by the
Size Does Matter
Surely you've heard this line before and never believed it, but I'm here to tell you that size does matter. Have you ever, for example, built a pond or fountain with concrete either surrounding it or fanning out from it beneath the soil - and then had your clients say they wanted a very mature tree or shrub planted right up against the edge?  There you are with six inches of soil (maximum!) to work with, and there's just no way to
Solid Foundations
When it comes to just about anything that matters in life, whether personal or professional, the difference between success and failure is often your mindset and the attitude you bring to each situation, event or occasion.   That's a huge generalization, but it's something I consider each and every time I prepare myself for something important - such as meeting a prospective pool client face to face for the very first time.  I know at times like this that my performance will be determined by how I feel and that how I feel will directly influence
Terms in Currency
You don't have to be a football expert to sit in the stands on a nice fall day and watch the locals bash the visitors.  But to get the most from the festivities, it helps to know the difference between a two-point conversion and an on-side kick.  Being able to converse with your seatmates about the nickel defense and the single-wing offense surging back and forth before your eyes makes it even better.  The jargon isn't just for the players and sportscasters. Electricity is a bit like that.  Most of us are users, and most of us know some of the jargon despite the fact we don't work at a power plant.  We know that we have 12-volt batteries in our cars and that the porch light takes a 60-watt light bulb.  And for many folks, that's enough. I believe, however, that those of us who work with things electric on a larger scale can benefit from
Defining Roles
Before we dive into discussions of plantings or the various components of landscaping work, I think it's important to define roles and talk about relationships among the trades involved in watershaping projects - in other words, to take a basic look at who does what. We can all save time and money by knowing from the beginning of the job who is going to handle each phase and detail as well as who is qualified, trained or licensed to perform the various tasks needed to get the job done.  Planning this up front might even result in greater profits, and it definitely will make your job easier. I know it's the goal of this magazine to build a greater "watershaping community" where both landscape professionals and those who
The Power of Your Mindset
Several years ago, at a time when I was still pretty wet behind the ears, a young, attractive woman invited me to join our local Chamber of Commerce and attend a meeting with her. "Sure," I said.  "I'll give it a shot."  I showed up for the event and met a bunch of banker types, and it seemed like everyone was a vice president of something or other.  I was just starting to get comfortable when the woman who had invited me explained that it was customary for new members to stand up and tell everyone about his or her business. As luck would have it, I didn't go first.  Another guy stood up before me and talked for a few minutes about his carpet-cleaning business - a trade he obviously found to be less than stimulating.  He spoke in a monotone voice and made carpet cleaning sound like, well, carpet cleaning.  Inspired by his lack of enthusiasm, I decided to
Inside the NEC
The triennial publication of the National Electrical Code is an event of critical importance to any contractor or subcontractor performing electrical installations or repairs.  First published in 1897 and produced since 1911 by the National Fire Protection Association, the NEC is now enforced in all 50 states and also serves as the basis for codes in several foreign nations. As has been the case with all editions published to date, the 1999 edition of the code is designed to ensure "the practical safeguarding of
Bridging the Gaps
Take a quick look at the area surrounding almost any pool, spa or waterfeature and you're sure to see living proof that plants and man-made bodies of water go hand in hand.  No matter what form the greenery takes - grass, hedges, trees, shrubs, flowers, even cacti - the fact is that plant life is seen virtually everywhere decorative or recreational water is found. For all of this close physical proximity, however, landscape designers and the installers of pools, spas, fountains and other watershapes have generally tended to operate in
A Call for Ambassadors
"To succeed in business or in life, I don't think you need fancy schooling or highly technical experience.  What I think you need is common sense, a commitment to hard work and the courage to go your own way."                                   -- Robert Mondavi   That statement in Robert Mondavi's autobiography truly inspires me.  As I've prepared myself to write this column, I've been even more conscious of how