
Considering the Truly Unusual
This past summer, I had the pleasure of traveling to Europe - specifically Northern Italy and Southern France.  Along the way, I was lucky enough to see the lavender fields of Provence in peak bloom and many unusual and beautiful gardens.  My travels were particularly rewarding in the region around Lake Maggiore in Northern Italy, well known for having some of Europe's most beautiful gardens. We started off by visiting the islands on the lake and their villas, complete with their classic-style gardens.  The climate of the area allows for growing many of the plants I'm familiar with in Southern California, but the
A Tropical Oasis
When we think of water, much of the time we think of a tropical scene - Hawaii, the Caribbean or some other exotic island somewhere - a place we'd all like to go.   Why not create that "somewhere else" in your clients' backyards?  They'll thank you for all the money you'll save them on that cruise that probably would have been less than perfect anyway.  And this tropical scene will be one they can enjoy not only this week, but for as long as they want. Imagine palm trees swaying in the wind, the sweet smell of