benefits of swimming

In Service of Sacrifice
In a colossal effort to support a wounded veteran, Paolo Benedetti worked a series of small miracles pulling donations of material, equipment and labor to build a pool for Sgt. Brian Jergens. The result is a place where the still young man can heal from his physical and psychological injuries. ...
Finding Hope
This is almost certainly the toughest column I’ve ever written – and probably the most important. In past editorials, it hasn’t been unusual for me to share various forms of personal information, some of it about my family, some of it concerning my own health.  I’ve been keenly gratified by the words of support I’ve received from colleagues and friends on those occasions, and I thank you here, one and all. This is, I fear, another of those occasions, as I
Increasing Access
The benefits of swimming and other forms of aquatic exercise are better defined and more widely known than ever before, notes Dr. Bruce Becker, one of the nation’s top researchers into all the good things that happen when people get in the water.  But there are a number of obstacles that are keeping some of those who would benefit from actually getting in the water to help themselves, he adds – a surmountable set of issues he explores here. It seems obvious enough.  To reap the physical and psychological benefits of swimming and other forms of aquatic exercise and therapy, a person must first get into the water. Experience shows, however, that this initial step is often not
Healthy Trails
It’s great when people start talking about important issues – and satisfying to have a hand in provoking those discussions. In the past 18 months or so, you may have noticed that we at WaterShapes have published occasional articles about swimming, aquatic activity and hydrotherapy as they relate to