
Vinyl Lines
It's no secret among those who've been in my segment of the watershaping industry as long as I have that vinyl-liner pools weren't as attractive as their gunite counterparts in the old days:  The finishes weren't very interesting, options in colors and patterns were limited, the only type of coping we used was made of aluminum and most liners were only available in rectangular configurations in a limited number of standard sizes. Despite those shortcomings, however, vinyl pools caught on, and in a big way, and I have watched every stage of that development for the more than three decades I've
Vinyl Lines
It's no secret among those who've been in my segment of the watershaping industry as long as I have that vinyl-liner pools weren't as attractive as their gunite counterparts in the old days:  The finishes weren't very interesting, options in colors and patterns were limited, the only type of coping we used was made of aluminum and most liners were only available in rectangular configurations in a limited number of standard sizes. Despite those shortcomings, however, vinyl pools caught on, and in a big way, and I have watched every stage of that development for the more than three decades I've