Artistic Resources & Training

Something in the Air?
The past couple weeks have seen an unusual number of good-news items cross my desk. Let’s start with the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals’ announcement of the formation of World of Recreational Water, a new foundation that will promote the sustainable use of recreational water worldwide. Back when Eric Herman and I spent many long hours
2012/9.1, September 5 — Integrated Views, Pond Fixes, Balboa Park and more
SEPTEMBER 5,  2012 ESSENTIAL Integrated Views A spectacular site is often the foundation for…
2012/5.2, May 23 — Paladian Design, Conveyor-Belt Excavation, Hoover Dam and more
May 23, 2012 WATERSHAPES.COM FEATURE ARTICLE Palladio, Jefferson and You Palladian architecture is so pervasive,…
Bold Steps
I’m still smiling. As I’ve declared in a few recent blogs, my hope has been that the apparent conflict between Genesis 3 and Artistic Resources & Training (ART) would result in two high-caliber education providers emerging in place of one that was drifting. If the first classes conducted by ART are any indication
Positive Potentials
I don’t think I could be more pleased. After I wrote about the emergence of Artistic Resources & Training (ART) a few weeks back, I reported on a number of conversations I’d had with people who said I’d been unfair to Genesis 3 and had
A Fresh Approach to Plaster Colors
Interview by Jim McCloskey In his role in developing business for Olympic Pool Plastering of Norcross, Ga., Shawn Still has spent a lot of time in front of classrooms for trade groups, including the National Plasterers Council, the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals and Genesis 3. His next educational venture, in which he partners with Shawn Hayes of Delta Performance Products (Covington, Ga.) to teach “ART: The Color of Water,” will be part of the first-ever weekend of
Rearranging the Furniture II
My recent blog on the formation of Artistic Resources & Training brought an unusual response: Not a single person wanted to comment on my words in print, and the many who called me directly all requested that our conversation be off the record. While that hasn’t advanced the dialogue I was hoping to build, it amply demonstrates that feelings are running high – which is, I suppose, understandable given the
Unconventional Plaster?
When I started my career more than 20 years ago, habit and standards dictated that swimming pool plaster should be white. By that time, happily, a handful of suppliers had begun offering colored aggregates, and then products including PebbleTec began expanding the palette to a point where about a dozen colors were available, give or take a few. These were shades of blue, mostly, ranging through to grays and darker grays. Then, about ten years ago,
2012/3.2, March 21 — Mark Holden on ART, Working with Stone, Water on Capitol Mall and more
March 21, 2012 WATERSHAPES.COM INTERVIEW It’s All About ART Seizing an opportunity to raise the…
Coming Attractions
Through the past several weeks, I’ve been caught up in a whirlwind of conversations about ART – Artistic Resources & Training. It’s the new educational forum being built by Mark Holden and a collection of like-minded professionals (including David Tisherman, Kevin Fleming, Judith Corona and Larry Drasin, among many others) who want to kick the level of instruction and information now available to watershapers and environmental artists up to