
Ripples #8
Compiled and written by Lenny Giteck U.K. Utility Company Offers Free Swim Lessons to Dead Woman - But She Doesn't Respond British Gas, a major energy provider in the U.K., recently offered free swimming lessons - among other services - to a customer who
A Hit on the High Seas
  Part I:  Setting the Course Theatrical vitality has to do with structuring stories and creating dramatic narratives that establish sensations of expectation, surprise and reward.  It also involves the development of sympathetic, interesting characters as well as engagement in “the moment” – the feeling that a special and wonderful entertainment experience is unfolding before the audience in a specific time and place. Mastering all of that is a tall order under ordinary circumstances, so you can imagine how we felt in trying to help make it happen on the exposed, unpredictable stern deck of Oasis of the Seas – a prestigious ship that currently claims the title of world’s largest cruise liner. Fluidity – a Los Angeles-based water design studio – pursues unique, progressive projects for an international clientele that includes architects, landscape architects, civic institutions and real estate developers.  Through the years, we’d had considerable experience with theatrical