
A Good Win
For weeks now, I’ve been following the news about a prominent San Francisco fountain that, until recently, seemed on the express train to oblivion. It’s a tale of a changing cityscape and the desire of a company known for rigidly controlling its visual image to remake a retail space in a way that suited its corporate design sensibilities.   It’s the story of an artist who recently passed away – one who spent her early years confined in
2012/5.1, May 9 — Reducing Visual Noise, Excavating Tight Spaces, Halprin’s FDR Memorial and more
May 9, 2012 WATERSHAPES.COM FEATURE ARTICLE Hiding the ‘Uglies’ Building pools and spas involves breaking…
Ripples #43
Compiled and Written by Lenny Giteck   New Way to Make Pools Green: Fill Them Up with Apple’s Billions!