Andrew Pansini

2012/9.1, September 5 — Integrated Views, Pond Fixes, Balboa Park and more
SEPTEMBER 5,  2012 ESSENTIAL Integrated Views A spectacular site is often the foundation for…
2011/12.1, December 7 — Designer Identity, Backyard Design, Getty Center and more
December 7, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM FEATURE ARTICLE What Is a Designer? Lots of watershapers market themselves…
Test Your Knowledge #22
What Pool Device Did Jandy Industries'Founder Andrew Pansini Invent in 1957?
Making Things Easier
There’s nothing like a good breeze to turn swimming pools and other watershapes into magnets for debris – especially if there are still plenty of leaves on the trees. We had gusting winds of record strength here in Southern California the other day – enough, in fact, to make the national news. When I walked out into my backyard the next day, the skimmer basket was full and the pool cleaner had