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Summer Education Heats Up
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Summer Education Heats Up

Watershape University is not taking the summer off, but we are easing up on the comprehensive educational programs we present the rest of the year. WU’s Summer Series offers brief but useful educational tidbits that watershapers can incorporate into their work providing top-shelf design, engineering and construction services.

At WU we understand that many of you in the industry are extremely busy during the summer months. That’s why we’ve introduced our Summer Series of instructional YouTube videos.

These brief presentations cover simple procedures you can use to ensure quality installations and retrofits for your clients. They are practically sizzling with practical value.

Concrete Installation without Cold Joints

Watershape University co-founder and resident concrete expert, Bill Drakeley offers a brief explanation and demonstration of how to expertly add thickness to an existing concrete wall, without creating any kind of visible seam or joint.

Key points include proper substrate preparation, creating a three-dimensional bonding plane, importance of wetting and cooling the surface prior to the application of new material, and basic nozzleman application technique.

Crack Monitoring Gauge

In this fascinating presentation, WU Co-founder Dave Peterson demonstrates a simple method for accurate crack tracking and how the information gathered can be used to understand the severity, spread rate, and possible causes of concrete cracks in motion.

The Power of Pressure Gauges

As the saying goes, all concrete cracks, but how quickly and in which direction varies almost every time, as do the possible causes.

In this video, WU Co-founder Dave Peterson offers a concise explanation of why reliable pressure gauges and the data they provide are so indispensable – especially when it comes to troubleshooting circulation issues and/or planning pump and other system upgrades. The presentation includes a brief case study where analysis using gauges coupled with pump-curve calculations rescued a troubled project.

Check out the Watershape University YouTube channel for these and other timely summer educational offerings.

To watch all three, click here.

Our full-length, full-strength Wolfpack Webinar Wednesdays will return in early fall.

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