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Starting Fresh

11-7 triplett video art

11-7 triplett video artWe’ve been in the pond business long enough that we’ve seen just about everything – the good, the bad and the ugly.

But even we were bowled over by the pond we found in the yard on display in the four videos listed below: We ran up against so many problems all in one place that it made sense to us to record our efforts in renovating the watershape and bringing it more into line with what the homeowners had always wanted.

We hoped in doing so that the videos would prove a useful tool in teaching our staff about the way we approach our ponds and in educating our clients about what they should expect from professional designers and installers.

To be sure, some of the problems with this pond were relatively minor and had primarily to do with aesthetics, but there were enough serious problems with the way the pond had originally been excavated, laid out and installed that it no longer functioned well hydraulically or as a welcoming home for plants or fish.

We came in and, in the span of a few days, essentially removed and replaced the pond with a new one within the same basic footprint.

As you’ll see, however, the similarities end there: As with all of our ponds, we focused on applying all we’ve learned and on establishing an ecosystem that will make fish and plants as happy as can be for many years to come.

To see Ponds Gone Wrong, Part 1, click here.

To see Ponds Gone Wrong, Part 2, click here.

To see Ponds Gone Wrong, Part 3, click here.

To see Ponds Gone Wrong, Part 4, click here.

Eric Triplett is founder and chief executive officer of The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction in Yucaipa, Calif. He may be reached at [email protected].

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