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Ripples #67
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Ripples #67

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Compiled and written by Lenny Giteck

Ripples art--smallTwo American Tourists Forced to
Swim 12 to 14 Hours to Survive

Toward the end of April, two American tourists — a brother and sister (aged 30 and 39) — on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia underwent a harrowing experience: The small fishing boat they were on sank, compelling them to swim between 12 and14 hours before arriving back on land.

According to an Associated Press article — posted on the Web site — the fishing boat was approximately eight miles offshore when the mishap took place. The boat’s captain, first mate and the two siblings went into the water together, but Dan and Kate Suski got separated from the others after a period of time. They did have life jackets, which the boat captain threw to them right before the sinking.

The AP report on the incident quoted the sibling survivors:

“There’s this very real understanding that the situation is dire,” Kate Suski said. “You come face-to-face with understanding your own mortality…We both processed the possible ways we might die. Would we drown? Be eaten by a shark?”

“Hypothermia?” Dan Suski asked.

“Would our legs cramp up and make it impossible to swim?” the sister continued.

To make the outcome even sweeter, the captain and first mate were rescued after being in the water for 23 hours.
“Since this ordeal,” Kate Suski, was quoted as saying, “I’ve been waking up at dawn every morning. I’ve never looked forward to the sunrise so much in my life.” Before the incident, she was a confirmed night owl.

To learn more riveting details about the Suskis’ survival, click here.

Ripples Classic: July 13, 2011

Lithuanians Hold Blow-Up
Sex Doll Swim Competition

On a lighter note…oh, those zany Lithuanians!

The wonderfully named Web site relates that “a Lithuanian radio station organized a men-only field day of sorts, with the main event being a race in the water with a ‘special’ twist.” Twisted is right! Each male competitor had to swim accompanied by a blow-up female sex doll. (Apparently, the issue of same-sex couples did not arise at the event.) In an amazing feat of strength, the thrilled winner actually held his companion above his head with just one arm.

What does Ripples think about this? Obviously, the IOC should convene and immediately make Blow-Up Sex Doll Swimming an Olympic event. We can’t wait to see Michael Phelps and his inflated teammate Windy Wendy standing tall and proud atop the winners platform in London next year!

Video: To watch this cutting-edge aquatic competition with a twist, click here.

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