Ready to Return

Watershapes University is ready to resume presenting our unique brand of industry education in front of live audiences. Starting in August WU launches an ambitious calendar of events, strategically scattered throughout the country to provide access to as many industry members as possible.
We get started August 7-9 in Hamilton New Jersey at the Northeast Spa & Pool Association’s (NESPA) headquarters with our new, three-day course on Essential Pool Construction, CON 2111. Priced at $1,800, the course is a vital, but reasonable investment to put your business on sound, technical footings. Weekend timing was selected to encourage maximum attendance despite heavy late-summer work demands.
In CON 2111, students spend three days carefully examining elements of swimming pool construction with a focus on how basic engineering directly determines construction methods and details. Modules within the 24 hours of instruction include understanding and working with geotechnical surveys, hydraulics, structural engineering and design, shotcrete application, waterproofing; and, details including tile and coping, decking, plaster preparations, start-up procedures, project conclusion and hand over.
We repeat CON 2111 again Sept. 25-27 in Clemmons, N.C. at the Hayward Industries’ training facilities. On Sept. 29-Oct. 1 we head west to present CON 2111 to aspiring professionals in Gilroy, Calif, with cover manufacturer, Aquamatic, as host.
For anyone new to watershape construction, this is the absolute best place to start your professional and personal journey!
Watershape University will present a new two-day course CON 4621, Waterproofing and Damp-proofing Workshop, hosted by Basecrete August 26-27 in Sarasota, Fla. In this specialized offering student will learn when and how to properly waterproof/damp-proof a concrete pool shell. Reviewing shell conditions, proper preparation sequencing and applications are all covered in detail.
On Sept. 10-11, we’ll present another new two-day course, ENGINEERING 3392 Ozone System Design, in San Luis Obispo, Calif. hosted by ozone manufacturer Clearwater Tech. This course provides an in-depth look at ozone science and how it compares to other common forms of water sanitization, and how to best apply the technology to swimming pool and other watershaping environments.
For more information about upcoming WU events, click here.