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2011/10.1, October 12 — Battling Gophers, Visiting Paris, WaterShapes TV and more

October 12, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM
George Clooney:  The Brouhaha Over Bodacious Skinny-Dipping at His Italian Villa  [more]

Why May Aussie Olympic Swimmer
Be Banned from London Games?

Many water-related stories have been in the news in the past several weeks — including reports connected to the four questions below.

1. Swimming Australia and the Australian Olympic Committee may ban Olympic swimmer Kenrick Monk from participating in the 2012 London Games. Why?

a. He tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs.
b. He lied about being injured by a hit-and-run driver.
c. He punched one of his teammates in the face.
d. The legality of his Australian citizenship is in dispute.

2. Which Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) star recently revealed that he has added swimming to his rigorous prefight training regimen?

a. Kenny Florian b. Josh Grispi
c. Jose Aldo d. Mark Horminick

3. In one city ravaged by an earthquake earlier this year, a woman dressed only in a skimpy bikini showed up at a city council meeting to plead for the speedy reconstruction of a local swimming pool. What city was it?

a. Fukushima, Japan b. Lorca, Spain
c. Port-au-Prince, Haiti d. Christchurch, New Zealand

4. After the original redevelopment plan was widely criticized, the city where the International Swimming Hall of Fame is located has proposed a new plan for redeveloping the facility. Where is the International Swimming Hall of Fame?

a. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. b. La Jolla, Calif.
c. Miami Beach, Fla. d. Virginia Beach, Va.

To find out how many you got right, click here.

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2011/9.2, September 28 — Bidding Processes, Front-Yard Staging, Longwood Gardens and more

September 28, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM
Humans Behaving Badly:
Man with Plastic Fetish Arrested
For Lewd Conduct with Pool Toy  [more]

Many water-related stories have been in the news in the past several weeks — including reports connected to the four questions below.

Do you know the answers?

1. Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas — which can accommodate 6,400 passengers — is currently the world’s largest cruise ship. How many swimming pools does the Allure of the Seas have?

a. 13
b. 19
c. 21
d. 32

The city of Karachi, Pakistan, has closed all swimming pools at least through November. The spread of what pathogen is the closure designed to prevent?

a. The virus that causes dengue fever
b. The mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis
c. The virus that causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever
d. The amoeba parasite (Naegleria flowleri) that eats human brain tissue

Swimmers in a public pool were unaware that a baby saltwater crocodile had also gone for a dip to escape the heat — until eventually a lifeguard pulled out the creature (which was adorable, by reptilian standards). Where was the pool located?

a. Mumbai, India
b. Darwin, Australia
c. Phuket, Thailand
d. Pnom Penh, Cambodia

And speaking of scary critters in swimming pools…there was also the four-meter-long (more than 13 feet!) python that had to be fished out (snaked out?) of a private club’s swimming pool. In which city?

a. Lagos, Nigeria
b. Nairobi, Kenya
c. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
d. Panama City, Panama

To find out how many you got right, click here.

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2011/9.1, September 14 — Curb Appeal, Fallingwater, Craftsmanship and more

September 14, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM

Many water-related stories have been in the news in the past several weeks — including reports connected to the four questions below.

Do you know the answers?

1. Hisashi Koze, a 39-year-old Japanese man, was forced to swim 30 kilometers (more than 18 miles) across the South China Sea to return to dry land. Why?

a. The small airplane he was piloting lost engine power, and he had to ditch in the ocean.
b. He was working on a freighter and fell overboard.
c. He was left out in the middle of the ocean because of a diving mishap.
d. His sailboat sprung a leak and sank.

2. With thousands and thousands of foreclosed homes — many of them with swimming pools — sitting vacant in Florida, what public nuisance has arisen due to the lack of pool maintenance?

3. A 52-year-old man nearly lost what part(s) of his body after swimming in improperly chlorinated pool water for five months?

a. His hair
b. His teeth
c. His eardrums
d. His fingernails and toenails.

4. Why did surfers in the Virginia Beach, Virginia, area have reason to celebrate toward the beginning of this month?

To find out how many you got right, click here.

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2011/8.2, August 24 — Fire Features, Improving Performance, Marilyn Monroe and more

August 24, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM
Movie Legend Marilyn Monroe:
Nude Swimming Outtakes from the Ill-Fated ‘Something’s Got to Give’ 
In the first part of his ‘Watershapers Must Grow or Go!’ opinion piece, Mark Holden basically ripped the watershaping industry a new one, as the saying goes. In this issue, he prescribes ways to chart a new course. What do you think? Click on the article’s ‘Join the Dialogue’ box and express yourself. Also, help Jim McCloskey answer the question he poses in the WaterShapes World Blog: ‘Brighter Future or Wishful Thinking?’ Read the articles above and leave your comments at the end.
Do you know the answers?

1. Earlier this month, 61-year-old Diana Nyad was in the news for her unsuccessful attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida. What this the athlete’s first, second or third try at crossing the Florida Strait?

2. Why was a veteran New York lifeguard fired from his job in 2007? (His case recently made headlines again when an appeals court reinstated his discrimination lawsuit.) Here’s a hint: The reason he was fired had to do with swimwear.

3. Why are health experts now advising people not to jump or dive into natural bodies of water such as rivers and lakes or if they do, to use a nose clip or pinch their nostrils shut with their thumb and forefinger?

4. ‘Octomom’ Nadya Suleman was back in the news recently this time because of her backyard aboveground pool. What was the problem?

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2011/8.1, August 10 — Great Hotel Pools, Industry Gut Check, Designing Courageously and more

August 10, 2011 WATERSHAPES.COM

‘Several people have called me in recent weeks with best wishes and, above all, questions about what the future holds for our magazine, WaterShapes,’ writes publisher . ‘That’s a reasonable inquiry, and the honest answer is that I don’t know just yet.’ He concludes: ‘We’ll be back. The question is one huge When? — and all I can suggest is that you watch this space for news. We promise to keep you posted.’  [more]


How much do you know about springboards?

1. What material are modern springboards made from?
2. What materias are used on the top of the boards to create a slip-resistant
3. At what heights are modern springboards positioned?
4. The spring constant of a springboard is usually adjusted by way of a
fulcrum that is located approximately how far along the board?

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2011/7.2, July 27 — Hudson River Pools, Water Level Issues, Yosemite and more


Can you answer these questions about Mark Spitz, who is now 61?

  1. What was the first international athletic event in which Spitz competed?

  2. Why did Spitz wear a mustache when he competed, as opposed to all the other swimmers who shaved their facial and body hair?
  3. What word did Spitz use to characterize Michael Phelps’ winning eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics?

  4. In 1998, Spitz appeared in a TV commercial for Playstation, along with another well-known figure. Who was it?

To learn the correct answers and watch a video of Spitz reminiscing about his athletic career, click here.


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2011/7.1, July 13 — Olympic Aquatic Centre, Healthy Ponds, Ripples and more

Head of International Monetary Fund: Synchronized Swimming Champion And Whip-Wielding Dominatrix?  [more]

Which is the world’s “tallest” fountain (that is, which sends water skyward the farthest)?

  1. The Port Fountain in Karachi, Pakistan
  2. The King Fahd Fountain in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  3. The Fountain Park fountain in Fountain Hills, Arizona
  4. The Dubai Fountain in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

To learn the correct answer and watch a dazzling video of one of the fountains, click


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2011/6.2, June 29 — Water Cube, Raised Spas, Main Drains and more


One of the biggest architectural stars of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing — along with the spectacular ‘Bird’s Nest’ National Stadium — was the National Aquatics Center, a phantasmagoric structure like no other on earth. But once the Olympics came to a close, what happened to the ‘Water Cube’ and its dreamy, shifting color patterns?  [more]

Expensive Celebrity AFR!
JLo’s Toddler Poops in Family Pool — Resulting Repair Bill Is $6,000  

How much do you know about frog skin? One of the following statements does not come from and is not true. Which is it?

  1. Frogs don’t usually swallow water; instead, they absorb most of the moisture they need through their skin.
  2. In addition to the oxygen they get through their lungs, frogs take in more oxygen from water by absorbing it through their skin.
  3. Frog skin needs to be wet to absorb oxygen — which is why frogs secrete a mucus that makes their skin moist and slimy.
  4. Frogs shed their skin regularly — in some cases weekly, in others daily — to keep it healthy.
  5. Once frogs shed their skin, they bury it in the pond’s mud.

To see the correct answer, click . And don’t miss the trailer for the 1972 suspense horror film “Frogs!


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2011/6.1, June 15 — Vanishing Edges, Banpo Bridge Fountain, Portfolios and more

Gwyneth Paltrow Burns Off
Eyebrows in Freak Accident —
Pool Prevents Worse Injury

How much do you know about water polo? Can you answer the following questions?

1. During game play, how many players from each team are allowed
in the playing area of the pool?

2. How long can a team possess the ball without shooting for the goal
(unless an opponent commits an ‘ejection foul’)?

3. What does the term “egg beater” refer to in water polo?

Source: Wikipedia


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2011/5.2, May 25 — Using Color Theory, Outdoor Living, Donald Trump’s Hair and more


‘Donald Trump’s Hair Found Dead In Las Vegas Swimming Pool…Autopsy Set for Tomorrow’  [more]

Here are some clues:

> He has more than 35 platinum and gold albums.

> His albums have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide.

> He had a long-term relationship with a beautiful American actress.

> He can’t read music.

> He has great hair (much better than The Donald’s).

Click to see the answer and to watch this performer in action.


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