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Finishing Touches
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Finishing Touches

7-25 Gannon art 2

7-25 Gannon art 2

The satisfaction that comes with completing beautiful, fully functional ponds is truly special – and when the water is intended for occupation by amazing fish, it gets even better.

As was showcased in the first of the two parts of this video, we at Full Service Aquatics (Summit, N.J.) had been called in to convert a derelict swimming pool on the grounds of a major garden center into a pond the management could use to promote and sell their pond-related wares. This included not only aquatic plants and fish, but also statuary, small fountains, garden furniture, umbrellas and much more.

Last time, we observed the process of deconstructing the old pool and revamping it as a pond. This time, we take a visual tour of the completed facility.

A couple things to note: First, our intention as pond designers and installers is to make our watershapes as naturalistic as possible. In this case, that desire had to be balanced by the commercial nature of the setting: Everything had to be approachable, as in many cases the items arrayed around the pool were tagged and ready to sell.

Second, as designers, we particularly appreciated the educational mission the management saw in the new pond. The signage they deployed was informative and helped spread positive messages about ponds and pond ownership – something we support wholeheartedly.

To view Part Two, click here.
To revisit Part One, click here.

Mike Gannon is owner and lead designer at Full Service Aquatics, a pond installation and service specialist based in Summit, N.J. A certified Aquascape contractor, he may be reached at [email protected].

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