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WS Site Screen Shot

WS Site Screen ShotHere’s a quick tour of the, starting with the pulldown menus at the top of the home page:

qArticles. This section already includes about a year’s worth of the information that’s been published in our twice-monthly newsletters. Right away, all new newsletter features and articles will be uploaded to the site immediately; within a few months, everything we’ve ever published in newsletter form will be ready and available to all readers in fully searchable form.

qProducts. This part of the site includes press releases and information provided to by manufacturers and suppliers interested in reaching out to our readers. To be updated weekly, this section will grow by leaps and bounds in the months ahead.

qMagazine. This button will give you access to the WaterShapes eArchive – a complete compilation of back issues of the printed magazine. The process of preparing and uploading these issues is complex and time-consuming; our plan is to upload at least two issues per week until they are all available. In doing so, we will prioritize the issues including articles we’ve highlighted as ESSENTIAL in our newsletter. Next will come issues that are out of stock and no longer available. Then we’ll start at the beginning and march forward until the collection is complete. There were 131 printed issues of the magazine, so this will take a while!

qNewsletter. The process of translating newsletter editions published through our old, Microsoft-based system to our new, Linux-based site has proved to be laborious, but it’s coming along as well. Even before we upload fully searchable versions of past newsletters through our Articles system, past newsletters in their entirety will be available soon.

qAdvertising. This page includes all the information marketers need to make decisions about promoting their products and services through

qDirectory. The new site includes the full version of our Resource Directory. Soon we’ll begin updating and expanding this knowledge base as a service to all watershapers and their clients.

qContact. Let us know what you think! Any questions, comments and suggestions about current or additional features will be appreciated, as will feedback about how the site is organized and the experience you have in navigating it.

Also on the home page, you’ll find:

qNew at This box will let you know what’s been added within the past week – no need to hunt!

qAround the Internet. This feature, updated six times each week, draws on the global resources of the World Wide Web to bring you news and information that ranges from the distinctly entertaining to the decidedly quirky.

qAquatic Health, Fitness & Safety. Here you’ll find links to reports on the healthful, safe use of watershapes, from information on aquatic exercise programs to guidance on feeling secure around various bodies of water.

qWaterShapes Store. This button links you to our store, which includes access to a selection of aquatically related books available on as well as information on ordering back issues of the print edition of WaterShapes.

Parts of the site are brand new or are works in progress. But we’ll be fully up to speed soon and already have our sights set on growth for years to come!

Please do let us know what you think: Just scroll down a bit to comment!

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