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Living on an Edge
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Living on an Edge

Vanishing edges and other water-in-transit details remain among the most popular design elements in custom pools. Moving water over an edge can be a powerful aesthetic element, one that expands the perception of space and enhances reflection. Taking advantage of those qualities requires mastering the technical specifics.

University offers ENG 3422: Vanishing Edge Design and Detail, taught by David J. Peterson, PE, IWI, co-founder of WU.

The one-hour presentation aired February 10, as part of WU’s Wolfpack Webinar Wednesday series.
Leaning outcomes for the program include:

[] Discuss the principles of design that make water-in-transit systems successful, including balance, harmony, movement, unity and variety.

[] Employ one or more of several design options such as vanishing edges, slot-edges, raised perimeter-overflows, gutters, plant-edges, and other edge details to create a work of art.

[] Evaluate edge details and how they affect spillways, catch basin sizes, mechanical design, surge basin volume, structural engineering, and other considerations.

[] Compare the most common edge options from aesthetic and line-of-sight issues to engineering concerns for easier selection in any particular project.

“Design aesthetics can push watershapers in certain directions while structural and mechanical engineering pulls in others,” Peterson explains. “The best solution must consider everything as a whole, taking into full account all the aesthetic considerations and the technical considerations you need to observe. This presentation is a good start to understanding how to effectively ‘live on the edge.'”

The presentation is free of charge and you can earn 1 continuing education unit by watching the recording and completing the evaluation.

Check it out here,

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