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Liquid Layering
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Liquid Layering

3-20 platinum oliver art

3-20 platinum oliver art

One of the things I like most about working with water is that it makes statements that don’t require much verbal explanation.

In fact, I like to think that the projects I build speak volumes about my clients’ desire for something creative and interesting. They also speak to the point that most of my clients grant me the freedom to give my very best effort, both aesthetically and technically, without many constraints.

Not all the work I do is so modern in style or approach as the project pictured in these pages, but this one illustrates a principle that’s become a hallmark of my designs: I’m inspired by the flow of water and coming up with creative ways to govern its movement from one level to the next. As I work, I also enjoy finding new ways to use water to create visual links between [more]

Please note: This project is highlighted among projects recognized for meeting ‘Platinum Standards’ established by the WaterShapes team. Only a few outstanding projects have been recognized in this way.

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