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WaterShapes LogotypeEric Herman

Coming up in New Orleans – first during the American Society of Landscape Architects’ Expo (November 1-2) and later that same week at the International Pool & Spa Expo (November 5-6) – we’ll be giving show attendees a special opportunity to meet some of WaterShapes’ most distinguished contributors.

It’s easy: They’ll be right there in our booth for both events as part of what we’re calling “Meet the Watershapers.” As the name suggests, the program will give you a chance to stop by and chat with folks who’ve made this magazine the resource you’ve come to know and appreciate through the past five years.

Even a cursory glance at the program shows that we’ve assembled a top-flight group of professionals – watershapers who represent the very best the trades have to offer. Each will be in our booth for an hour at a time and are looking forward to speaking with anyone who cares to step up and say “hello.”

So if you’re planning on attending one or both events, check out the schedule and make a point to stop by: It’s a great opportunity – and a sure way of helping us celebrate our Fifth Anniversary!


We’ve added a new wrinkle to the way we offer you access to information from our growing ranks of advertisers: Starting with this issue, our Advertiser Index will include not only a Reader Service number, but also the phone numbers and web addresses for these key companies.

It’s a simple step intended to speed your access to the important product information you need to do your best work and offer your customers the fullest possible set of product options.


Last but far from least: If you like controversy, you may want to check out “The Trouble with Liners” by Douglas Roth (click here). Roth is editor of The Journal of Japanese Gardening and, for years now, he has been arguing forcefully that rubber liners should not be used in high-quality naturalistic waterfeatures (including most Japanese-style gardens) because they are not designed to last indefinitely. Rather, he believes that these naturalistic watershapes should be made with gunite structures if they are to stand the test of time.

In publishing this piece, we know that many of you who use liners in streams and ponds may well disagree with Roth’s position and wish to respond. Rest assured that all points of view will be aired in upcoming issues – and that we encourage your comments!

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