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Gratitude is the Attitude
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Gratitude is the Attitude

12 2 20DCimage

12 2 20DCimageIn a show of gratitude for those who have committed their resources and efforts to educating the industry, Watershape University recently staged a webinar focused entirely on thanking contributing individuals and organizations – and offering an exciting glimpse of the future.

Watershape University offered a very special Wolfpack Webinar Wednesday presentation on November 25 (Thanksgiving Eve) that was equal parts thank you card and “State of Watershape University.”

The webinar featured WU staff members, Dave Peterson, Bill Drakeley, Lauren Stack, Eric Herman and Brett Herman describing their work in different facets of the university’s operation, summarizing progress that’s been made over the past year and what they’re working on for the coming year.

Highlights included plans for upcoming programs, synchronously and asynchronously online and in-person (as circumstances allow), a brief look at WU’s new instruction-delivery platform, plans for the Live Blue Foundation, an IWI update, and the recent evolution of

Those brief presentations were followed by a pre-recorded video featuring WU staff and IWI members offering gratitude to the people that play a role in their businesses and their lives. Click here to watch it.

According to Peterson: “Watershape University, the Wolfpack, is a team and everyone involved is an important part of our success. We work together toward our common goal of providing premium education for the watershape industry. At WU we are so grateful for the people who have decided to take this journey with us. Our students, instructors and corporate engagement team members are the reasons why we are here.”

WU’s in-house, armchair philosopher, Eric Herman, added, “I believe gratitude is the ‘currency of happiness’ — the more grateful you are, the happier you are. Sometimes we forget to say the things we should, to share the way we feel with those we value and love. Sharing our gratitude is a great way to let others know how important they are to us.”

Check out WU’s special Thanksgiving video here, or the entire webinar.

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