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Deficits of Trust
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Deficits of Trust

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‘The Harvard Business Review recently published results of an interesting survey: Overall, they said, some 75 percent of those contacted reported diminishing trust in U.S. business managers and their companies; moreover,’ added Brian Van Bower in starting his Aqua Culture column in WaterShapes’ January 2010 issue, ‘their faith in educational institutions, product suppliers and government is on the decline as well.’

‘It all seems gloomy and pessimistic, but I couldn’t be surprised by the findings. In fact, I can even imagine things being much worse, because for some time I’ve been observing an unfortunate trend in which we, as a people, have permitted our society to become one in which trust is almost a lost virtue and cynicism has become the norm.’ He continued:


‘This condition is so pervasive and crept up on us so gradually that I can only hope this explains why we haven’t done a better job of recognizing it. . . . [It’s as though] we’ve all been scammed so repeatedly that, sadly, we seem to be getting accustomed to it.’


‘Some people who’ve heard me expound on these concepts call me “Mr. Happy” and tell me my optimism about the way the world should run is simply unrealistic. . . . Among these cynics . . . are those watershapers who are constantly on the lookout for fear of running into past clients at shopping malls or in grocery stores.’


‘There’s a brutal irony here: As watershapers, we’re all in the business of providing products that bring combinations of beauty, recreation, relaxation and pride into clients’ lives. Our aim is to create gathering places and sources of family fun. We seek to present clients with all the best life has to offer, but all too often those who create these spaces have proved so untrustworthy that that those clients won’t greet them civilly, let alone as friends.’


‘Well, I guess I’m among those who think something should be done. It may sound naïve, but I would argue that we can still live our lives and conduct our businesses based on a belief that trusting others and being trusted has value. And I do so partly because I’m weary of listening to those who say that honesty, competence and social integrity are the passé vestiges of an idealism that died long ago.’


‘So what does it take to develop that confidence and come to trust and be trusted? From a business standpoint, it means delivering what you say you will. That sounds simple, but if it were so easy, there wouldn’t be nearly as much conflict (or so many lawsuits) as we see all around us.’


‘My experience and observations lead to a . . . path on which you reach trustworthiness by constantly striving for excellence: It’s by far the straightest path to being trusted and finding yourself in the company of those you can trust.’


‘So sit down and, as I do frequently, take a hard look at yourself and your business and determine for yourself if you’re where you want to be. If trustworthiness has been a problem for you, learning to believe in your ability to think these sorts of issues through will be a great first step.’


‘To those of you who would say this all sounds too simple, even childish, I counter by saying, if it’s so damned easy, how come so few people take these basic steps? Ultimately, being trustworthy and having the judgment and confidence to trust in others are flip sides of a single coin that reflects the core of what and who you are as a professional and a person.’


‘Sure,’ Brian concluded, ‘I’m being preachy, but I’ve seen these principles work in my own life and business and in the lives and businesses of countless others I’ve met and worked with through the years. Elevating your game does work.’

Have you found in your own business that it’s difficult to get clients to trust you – or to find trustworthy professionals to work with on your projects? Please share your insights on Brian’s commentary by adding your thoughts below!

Brian Van Bower runs Aquatic Consultants, a design firm based in Miami, Fla., and is a co-founder of the Genesis 3 Design Group; dedicated to top-of-the-line performance in aquatic design and construction, this organization conducts schools for like-minded pool designers and builders. He can be reached at [email protected].

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