For the past six years - ever since that fateful day in the spring of 2009 when I decided that my offsite storage space was far too inconvenient to be worth the monthly cost - I've been surrounded in my office by floor-to-rafters shelving stacked with back issues of WaterShapes. I love the old magazines, and despite the fact everything we ever printed is now easily available online, I still
Security Guard Photographs Ghost at Swimming Pool
Emperor Aquatics (Pottstown, PA) makes the Tadpole UV Filter, a plumbing-free, completely submersible water-maintenance system…
Grand Effects (Irvine, CA) has added granite fire pits to its list of products. Kits…
Hayward Pool Products (Elizabeth, NJ) has expanded its Universal H-Series gas heater line to include…
MP Industries (Huntington Beach, CA) has released the Auto-Lev Model 1953-J, an accurate, easy-to-install device…
RicoRock (Orlando, FL) is now manufacturing pre-cast, artificial-rock copings for use with new vinyl-liner pools…
Lifeguard Lift (Eaton Rapids, MI) makes two battery-powered, ADA-compliant lifts (Models 100287 and 100289) that…
Over the holidays this past December, we broke with family tradition and, instead of gathering around tree and hearth as we've done as a family every year since 1982, all of us headed to the Big Island of Hawaii for an entirely new sort of celebration. My wife and I had been there once before, staying at what was then the newly opened Hyatt Regency Waikoloa for a meeting of the National Spa & Pool Institute's Board of Directors. (I recall that Skip Philips was chairman at the time.) After that meeting nearly 25 years ago, Judy and I had taken several extra days and motored around the island at a leisurely pace, staying in tiny motels and spending most of our time